English below
Le Cirad et Euragri en partenariat avec la Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde, Eating City, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) et Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) organisent une conférence intitulée "Transitioning to a sustainable food system and delivering on the SDGs - The potential of school meals". Réservez votre lundi 21 mars après-midi pour cette conférence en ligne dédiée à la restauration scolaire.
Conférence en anglais, en virtuel.
Lundi 21 mars, de 14h à 17h (heure française)
Deux tables-rondes au programme :
– Impact de l’alimentation scolaire sur la santé, la nutrition, et l’éducation à l’alimentation ;
– L’alimentation scolaire comme levier pour promouvoir la durabilité des systèmes alimentaires (dimensions économique et environnementale, éducation socio-culturelle, développement territorial).
En présence de Pr. Donald Bundy, Director of the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition.
Inscriptions via ce lien
In English
Safe the date : 21st March 2.00 – 4.30 pm
In 2021, the first United Nations Summit on Food Systems (UNFSS) took place to address food security and food systems’ sustainability and to achieve the SDG’s. These issues are widely recognised to be among the most significant challenges facing humanity today alongside associated issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
Many people lack access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food. Furthermore, food has enormous social and cultural significance influencing how policies are formulated and how pathways to a more just and sustainable food system are identified.
In preparation of and during the summit, actors at many levels, government representatives, civil society, the research community, and the private sector, engaged in discussions which resulted in several coalitions taking a systems approach to create networks, share knowledge, and coordinate actions and achieve impact of policy schemes. Among them the “School Meals Coalition : Nutrition, Health and Education for Every Child” was established, and actively supported by most states. It is accompanied by an International Research Consortium on School Health and Nutrition led by Professor Donald Bundy (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).
This coalition approach is of great interest about developing best practices concerning transformational research and systematic evaluation of the impact of interventions to achieve transformation.
After an introductory keynote by Prof Donald Bundy, Director of the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition, there will be two round tables with distinguished speakers
1st Round Table
School meals to improve the nutrition and health status as well as knowledge and skills related to food.
2ed Round Table
School meals as a lever to promote food systems’ sustainability – the environmental and economic dimension, territorial development, and socio-cultural education.
The audience is invited to participate in the discussion through the chat and dedicated Q&A sessions.
Regristration form here